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A 6 day training over two weekends


YOGARISE PECKHAM,  12, 13, 14 September & 19, 20, 21 September 2025

with Austin Ince



The Art of Letting Go is a yin immersion training that is open to qualified yoga teachers, Pilates and fitness instructors, therapists and practitioners alike - for those looking to deepen their understanding of yin yoga and immerse themselves in the practice, for teachers wishing to teach yin yoga classes or to incorporate functional anatomy principles and yin into their current classesFor all participants an immersion has the potential to have a profound effect on our central nervous system. It’s like being on a retreat!



Austin has been directing “The Art of Letting Go” since 2016 and is currently running it twice yearly with Yogarise. Prior to curating the course, Austin undertook 5 different yin teacher trainings, with some of the most influential Yin teachers around, including Bernie Clark and Paul Grilley. He felt that whilst all courses had something to offer, there wasn’t one complete course that addressed all the necessary areas of knowledge teachers require. His course, “The Art of Letting Go”, was created to fill this void. It’s a functional anatomy-based training with an emphasis on teaching methodology. Many teachers leave their 200hr training without a proper understanding of anatomy and don’t know how to address it. This course solves the problem, it’s the logical next step on a yoga teacher's journey!


Yin is an essential complimentary practice to our regular vinyasa practice. As teachers we tire and become contracted when we only practice vinyasa, yin helps us to restore our energy by releasing stored up tension. As a teaching skill, it’s an essential in a one-to-one context; it helps with students to increase their range of motion and aid those who are rehabilitating injuries. In yin we work more into the connective tissue and joints, stressing them to increase their health, this is tailored to the individual using our knowledge of anatomical variations. Yin is a great second practice to teach in the evenings on a retreat. It's another great tool to have in your box!



The course take’s place at Yogarise Peckham, 

09:00 - 17:00 on the following days:


Friday 12th September 2025

Saturday 13th September 2025

Sunday 14th September 2025

Friday 19th September 2025

Saturday 20th September 2025

Sunday 21st September 2025



The origins and lineage of the Yin Yoga practice

The philosophy of the Tao – The Tao Te Ching

Understanding Yin & Yang + applying it to the body and Yoga

The Yin and Yang of our tissues

Correct and safe methods of practice – the theory of exercise

The role importance of our connective tissue/the fascia matrix

Understanding anatomical movement in the three planes

The three layers of body

The Three Tattvas

What our physical limitations are + working with them

Tension & Compression – which one is stopping us

An introduction to Cognitive functional therapy

Teaching methodology

Using language,  music & theming

How to sequence Yin

Organizing poses by target area/the intention of the pose

Asana Lab – analysis of all the key poses

How to modify – creating pose variations + creating your own Yin poses

Using props – to lessen + increase sensations

Teaching a 60-minute yin class one to one

An overview of TCM Meridian Theory, Five Elements

Analysis of the key poses in yin

Modifying + creating pose variations

Cognitive functional therapy

Teaching an hour long sequence one to one



09.00-09.30 - Meditation & Chanting/Gayatri Mantra

09.30-11.30 - Asana practice

11.30 -11.45 - Question & Answer/discussion about the practice/practice breakdown

11.45-12.00 - Break

12.00-13.30 - Philosophy of the Tao presentation/lecture/discussion*

13.30-14.30 - Lunch Break

14.30-14.35 - Short Meditation Chant/Sahana Vavatu

14.35-15.30 - The Origins of Yin Yoga presentation/slides/talk*

15.30-15.45 - The 3 planes and anatomical movements*

15.45-16.00 - Break

16.00-17.00 - The Yin & Yang of movement/the three-layer body method*


* These are examples, each day will be different, covering the various topics of the course.


Each day begins with a twenty-minute meditation, followed by chanting and a two hour plus Yin asana practice. Whilst each daily practice will be different, we will have practiced all the main Yin poses included variations by the end of the course.



This course qualifies as 50 hours of CPD with Yoga Alliance US and Yoga Alliance Professionals. A certificate will be presented upon completion.



We begin each day in “noble silence” in order to get into the right frame of mind for our mediation, practice and day of learning.


One the final day you’ll be required to teach a sequence ‘one to one’. There is a choice of two sequences from the course manual. You’ll receive feedback when you teach and provide feedback when you’re taught.



There is a course manual that you'll be given, inside there is suggested reading for after the course. There is one book I recommend to aid you through the course and beyond, it’s the second edition of Bernie Clark’s, “The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga” 


You don’t have to read it beforehand, in some ways it’s better not to. The concepts are easier to understand once we cover them on the course. By all means feel free to dip into the book but don’t be too concerned if you don’t grasp some of it.



"Thank you so much - I really enjoyed the course Austin…. your anatomy teaching is brilliant…I have a much better understanding after this than after 500 hours of YTT.” - Helen


"I learned so much over the week, especially about anatomy which was taught so well making it practical and accessible. I learned more this week than all other courses covering anatomy put together.” - Veronika


"It was so practical and informative. The practices were incredible - I’ve learnt more about my post babies’ body than I have in the last four years so thank you.”- Felicity


"He exudes all the principles of Yin in his teaching techniques, the Effortless Effort, working hard yet allowing us time for things to really sink in. His anatomy teaching is exemplary too. He made concepts I’ve struggled with for years make sense.” - Lizzie


"It challenged my teaching habits and opened me up to understanding that every body is different. I would recommend the training to anyone... interested in developing their Yin Yoga practice." - Veronica 


"The course was... a true immersion into yin. I left feeling completely confident... I would recommend [it] to any yoga teacher interested in learning more." - Jo 


Click for full testimonials 



Units b1.1 and b1.2 'Yellow Stairs'
The Bussey Building 
133 Copeland Road 
SE15 3SN



Super Early Bird - £649 - available until June 30th

Early Bird - £699 - available until August 1st

Full Course fee - £750


Please email for more information or any questions about the course. 

Altenatively, you can call Austin on 07973562385 or email:​



Yin Teacher Training
Yin Yoga Teacher Training
Yin Yoga Teacher Training
Yin Yoga Teacher Training

Open Yoga Classes - Private Yoga Tuition - 'One to One' in the comfort of your own home - Corporate Classes - Yoga Teacher London

© 2024 by Austin Ince Yoga. All rights reserved

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